It's the Things We Do Most that Dictate our Patterns
Karin Ravalese
MS Physical Education
Rehabilitative Exercise Physiologist
Our bodies are really clever and will continue with the same pain-producing pattern until we give it something different.
Incorporating these 5 Simple Tips into your daily life can be a proactive step towards reducing chronic head, neck and jaw pain.
“I had the pleasure of meeting with Karin Ravalese for chronic neck pain and stiffness. She introduced me to stretching, balancing, and breathing techniques. I found her style and techniques to be very beneficial. This helped to decrease some of the pain and stiffness that I was experiencing. She is very knowledgeable in this area of expertise. I highly recommend her for pain management!"Jill C., RN
The importance of tongue posture
Why you should be inhaling through your nose and not your mouth
Tips on how to promote a more relaxed state within your body
And a lot more!
Switch to a more relaxing state while reducing neck and jaw tension
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